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Students come to patients 8 years of age,

CHANDIGARH: Students of DAV College, Sector 10, on Tuesday launched in the treatment of an eight-year-old suffering from atrial septal defect (ASD). NavSankalp, the student-run charity DAV donated Rs 70,000 for the treatment of Ruchi, eight-year-old boy undergoing treatment at the PGI.

Help students has been a new lease of life for Ruchi, whose father, Phool Chand of Mauli Jagran, is a carpenter with a monthly income insufficient. "It's a special feeling to be part of a cause close to our hearts and help those truly in need," said a member of the student.

The donation was made Gol market, members of NavSankalp PGIMER, accompanied by Dr. Anuradha Jatana of PGIMER, which helps sick children drawing students and Prayas Bhatia, store manager of a showroom in the Sector 17 which helped in fundraising.

Mendhiratta Aman said the president of the society, "NavSankalp was established seven years ago, when a group of students decided to contribute their bit for society." Students have been saving lives of underprivileged children who need help donating PGI monetary part of pocket money and ask your friends and family to contribute.

They donate funds for the treatment of children with chronic illnesses under 14, who can not afford expensive treatment. Tushar Garg, general secretary of the society, said NavSankalp has helped 22 children in total, including Ruchi.

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