Ludhiana: Namita Sharma, an employee of a private bank in Pakhowal road, take a bumpy ride every day from his home Dugri reach his office. "Municipal Corporation has made the entire city into a mess, always referred to roads. No one can speak of a single tranche in the city that does not have bumps. My back pain problems and creepy ways to make the experience heartbreaking for me, "said Namita.
The municipal corporation will continue its technical modernization, but when it comes to the condition of the roads in the city, which fails miserably. Physicians and car insurance become a necessity when one has to travel daily from one corner of the city to the other.
Residents blame the poor infrastructure councilors and advisors are in a continuous fight with the MC for their proposals for the re-construction of roads approved as soon as possible.
"We have asked the company many times to move to the amount for the reconstruction of roads, but no answer ever. Promise to fill in the gaps as they did a month ago, but the filling came out with in a month" said Renu Bansal councilor Bharat Nagar .
Potholes are common on the road and in Sarabha Nagar Mall, Dugri, Model Town, Model Gram, Bharat Nagar and many other areas. One of those half feet deep rut in the middle of the road near Ishmeet Chowk, which has caused five minor accidents so far that could have turned deadly.
The MC had begun to fill in the gaps for a month after repeated complaints from residents and councilors, but the task remained unfinished due to the obstinate behavior of the workers and engineers.
"The MC has to change the way they work. This was the fourth time that bumpy but the exercise turned out to be useless. Roads have not been re-carpeted two years," said Kapil Kumar, Jawahar Nagar counselor .
The streets of the city were the latest in new carpeting before corporate elections two years ago. All potholes have been filled with bricks to avoid the expense, which is resulting in accidents every day. Model Town resident Satpal Singh said: "First, the street lights do not work properly anywhere in the city and secondly, the roads have potholes meters deep, which can cause a serious accident at any time."
City Mayor Gohalwaria Harcharan Singh said he has directed the MC to take steps to improve the condition of roads in the city as soon as possible. "Re-carpeting will begin soon to repair city roads and the work will take place within a month," he added.