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Make or break on FB

Ludhiana: When Saket Dhull saw pictures of the birthday of his ex-girlfriend on a social networking site, for old time you press the button "like". Little did he know that he would spend the next 10 days trying to convince his girlfriend who does not have feelings for your ex.
Shalini Gupta, a B.Com student says he has seen a lot of friends who fight over trivial matters like, 'Why have you added this guy? Or why comment on this topic? Why do you like the picture? etc "Obsession with social networking sites is not a recent phenomenon. However, if relations break when you like someone's post or chat with someone, this is worrying," says Preeti Arora, an educator of Sarabha Nagar.
Garima Sharma (name changed), 22, college student, says. "I have had many fights with my boyfriend because he used to chat with a lot many girls in the networks, but again, was this networking site that helped me get out of this relationship after caught telling a girl who was alone."
So while there are many teenagers who leave relationships at these sites, there are some who say that these sites have helped better understand their peers. When Tushar and Tanya were getting married, their social networking identities were the first things that are exchanged, even before they met. "It is true that social networking helped me know her better. Their images, your profile, speak volumes about your lifestyle. Since I was abroad, when my parents told me about Tanya, a networking site helped me know her before he could really know, "said Tushar.
"Your marital status on those sites is also a cause for concern," Aditi laughs as his friend shares how her boyfriend bother to change your relationship status to 'in a relationship'. "It's like putting a collar around your pet for people to know that he belongs to you," he said.
Dr. Rajeev Gupta, the psychiatrist said: "The current generation is connected at a very superficial level networking sites such relationship is also very casual We have patients who come who have broken with their partners because of these misunderstandings ...
Recently, a couple who was engaged for three months separated because the girl was out with friends at a picnic, and one of her male friends had posted a photo of each and labeling ".
Similar problems are shared by a married couple in which the husband suspects his wife, since she does not attend to him after his return from work.
Gupta reveals: ". A man came to me for advice, complaining that he suspects his wife tells him to turn off the laptop when it goes along with it and refuses to share the password," he added.

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