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Mania decreases, CH 01 extended auction

CHANDIGARH: The craze for VIP vehicle registration numbers and catchy seems to be declining among city residents. The registration authority and licensing (RLA) of UT reached the next round auction CH01AT for three days until Wednesday, having received only 40 numbers bookings until Saturday. Even during the auction of CH01AS previous series, the authority had to carry out the auction twice when there are not many numbers were reserved on the first try. RLA only received 254 applications for both the auction and the item number in the new series. Of these, 109 applicants have applied for the 40 numbers contest to be auctioned, and the remaining 145 have applied for the number of your choice.

"There are over 150 VIP vehicle registration numbers and catchy in each series. Maximum applicants need to have a good competition in the auction. But for CH01AT series, we have reservations for only 40 issues, demonstrating a lack of interest among people into fantasy and VIP numbers, "

said an official of the UT Administration. He added: "Auction registration serial number after an interval of a month is another reason behind low participation, and we list over 150 numbers in the last series and many numbers were in the election. If necessary , will be held twice auction again this time. "

RLA by Mahavir Kaushik said: "As for the poor response, within the reservation has been extended by three days of work, allowing applicants to reserve your number of May 1."
Each series has 9,999 registration plates of vehicles, all of which are being released within a month, due to the fast pace with which you are registering vehicles.

The authority had even canceled the series CH01AR tender enrollment in the past due to lack of response.

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