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Ludiana Student ends life in Hisar with girlfriend

Ludhiana: A first year mechanical engineering student at an engineering college here was reported that he committed suicide by jumping to his beloved before a train moving in Hisar in Haryana on Wednesday morning. The duo, both residents of Neoli Khurd village near Hissar, allegedly took the extreme step as their parents disapproved of their relationship.

Randhir Singh, InCharge Hissar police station, said: "Bodies of Anil Kumar (20 years, first year mechanical engineering student of STI College in Ludhiana), son of Aram Pal upper caste, and his beloved 17-year-old Pooja , (a class X dropout), daughter of Raja Ram caste, ended his life by jumping in front of a train because the parents of the couple allegedly disagreed with their relationship. bodies of dead, missing from their houses on Tuesday night, were spotted by a train driver around 6am. although the families of the couple admitted that their children were in love, they claimed that there was no enmity between them about it. said even disapprove of his relationship because of those who took the extreme step. "

Singh added that the wounds on the bodies as well as post-mortem reports, apparently there was no foul play can be ruled out yet another case of honor killing.

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